Due to being overloaded the next available delivery day is Saturday Feb. 15th - however you are welcome to stop by the store to pick up!

Bring Your Halloween Decorations to Life with Fresh Flowers

Teleflora's Spooky Sweet Bouquet

Halloween is often the time of year where you can explore creativity and act completely strange with no second thoughts or conceptions.  Often decorations can bring a party or celebration to life, especially with fresh flowers.

Decorating your home or office can really bring our a happier and more festive side to family, friends, and co-workers.  It has been proven through scientific research that flowers make people more productive and happier from day to day visibility.

Call Mr. Bokay/Westchester Flower Shop today to speak to a customer service representative and plan your festive Halloween decorations today.

Teleflora's Country Pumpkin Flower Arrangement