
Magenta Kisses Bouquet


Lovely pink roses and asiatic lilies are joined by hot pink gerberas and miniature carnations, pink full-sized carnations and more in a clear glass ball. Send this one and life will be a bowl of cheer!

Delivers tomorrow if ordered in the next 0 hours 52 minutes!

VIEW a sample of our arrangment sizing

*Please note, your flowers will be locally assembled by hand and may look different than pictured.

Product Description

Youthful. Graceful. Beautiful. These are just a few qualities that come to mind when gazing at a gorgeous bouquet of pink flowers. Whether you want this arrangement to say “Happy Anniversary” or “Happy Any Day,” you can be sure the day it arrives will be brighter for anyone lucky enough to receive it. Lovely pink roses and asiatic lilies are joined by hot pink gerberas and miniature carnations, pink full-sized carnations and more in a clear glass ball. Send this one and life will be a bowl of cheer! Approximately 13 1/4″ W x 14 1/2″ H

Safe Delivery

During Covid 19, we encourage everyone to take necessary precautions. We are creating a contactless pickup arrangement, which means your flowers will be delivered without your signature.

See Delivery Details

Locally Assembled

We work with artisans from your town to get the freshest flowers with the best arrangements. We want your statement to be big and bold and beautiful, so we’ve hand picked who we work with.

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